Response to Alles/Watkins Op-Ed:  Michigan must align its education system with successful states

Launch Michigan appreciates the insights shared two former state superintendents, Sheila Alles and Tom Watkins, in a recent Detroit News opinion column. Similar ideas are also found in the Launch Michigan framework and the Growing Michigan Together Council PK-12 workgroup recommendations.  

We specifically want to highlight and amplify their call for an aligned system of accountability for education where the governor has the authority to appoint the state superintendent and a revised retirement system for MDE and public education employees.  Michigan is one of only five states with our disjointed model of education governance; it makes it difficult for our state to set an education vision and move forward together.

Alles and Watkins also raise a new idea in their op-ed, a statewide public education human resources department. This is an intriguing concept that could help ensure adequate educator staffing in districts all around the state, especially if coupled with an equitable salary and benefits schedule. 

What is most meaningful, however, is their focus on the need for systemic reform. Launch Michigan is ready to help the governor, legislature, MDE and MiLEAP implement the necessary reforms to truly reimagine our system of public education. The Launch Michigan framework spells out many of these bold ideas, and Launch is working to implement them.

Venessa Keesler

Venessa Keesler is the president and CEO of Launch Michigan.


Launch Michigan response to Gov. Whitmer’s State of the State address


Launch Michigan applauds Growing Michigan Together Council workgroup recommendations