Launch Michigan Framework Pillars
Michigan needs a coherent education system; one where each level of the state’s education system—from local schools up to the State Department of Education and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as well as the elected Governor—are aligned. If you look to high-performing education systems, you will almost always find this characteristic.
Michigan is one of only a few states where members of the State Board of Education oversee the State Superintendent and Department of Education, even though these individuals are not directly involved in the state education budget or legislative policymaking. Political relationships have largely become the connection between the education department and legislative policymakers, and the alignment between authority and voter accountability is less connected.
We believe it is essential for the State Board of Education and Michigan Department of Education to have strong collaborative relationships with the state legislature and governors of both political parties. Lack of consistency with these, coupled with term limits, has led to ineffective decisions being made by policymakers at a time when our system of schools needs outstanding research-based decisions made on behalf of about 1.5 million kids and more than 100,000 educators.
In addition to changing how the state’s top education leaders are selected, we are looking at the structure of our state’s ISDs/RESAs. Under current law, ISDs/RESAs are only required to provide special education services, oversight of the state’s prekindergarten program, pupil accounting, and what is agreed to by their local school districts. As a result, the quantity and quality of services varies widely from region to region, as does the funding. There are many ways of organizing the work ISDs/RESAs do, and much work remains to ensure a complete, adequate menu of services and supports can be provided to all Michigan schools.
We want to build a new system that puts children first, with every single individual, organization and agency taking responsibility for their support of children. It will take everyone working together and reinforcing each other’s efforts to change policy and practice in service of students.